In honor of Mother’s Day, we’re looking back at ten unforgettable musical tributes from daughters and sons to the women who raised them. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!
#SocialStatus will introduce you to artists who caught our eye on Instagram. Whether you’re searching for your musical inspiration or want to spice up your feed, these are the accounts to follow.
Oh hey, Coachella. Times they are a-changin’ and music is constantly evolving. Get ready for the biggest names, the biggest productions, and tons of hidden gems. Keep reading for our top 10 must-see artists worthy of all the attention.
As Lights embarks on her fourth journey with Skin & Earth, we’re thrown into a new dimension unlike ever before. This gal knocked it out of the park. Welcome back, Captain Lights.
Here’s to all the badass ladies out there, yourself included. Turn up the volume, tag your sisters and have a day that will go down in HERstory. This 2018, the FEMpire strikes back.
Finding a place in the crossover between commercial radio and quality folk is a tricky thing to do. Brimming with easy listening folk songs, Vance Joy’s second album Nation of Two accomplishes this difficult feat.
Craving fresh sounds? Stingray’s got everything you need. For you. For your friends. For your mom. For your neighbor. And even for that friend who says ''I hate music''.
Five years since their last album, Always Ascending gushes with characteristic lurching tempo changes, scream-along choruses, and glossy hooks. Welcome back, guys.
À une époque où l’on écoute de moins en moins d’albums dans leur intégralité, l’année 2017, nous gâte en disque de ce type. Voici les meilleurs albums de l'année 2017 qui sauront vous conduire dans un univers musical étroitement ficelé.
L’année 2017 aura été riche en chansons francophones inspirées et étoffées. Celles-ci suscitent toutes de belles émotions. De plus, elles ont une qualité commune, la démarche artistique sincère.