Women in Music is March's Special Programming, and it's dedicated to all those female singers and artists who inspire us through their songs and stories. We have chosen 5 women who have pushed boundaries and inspire us to fight for our dreams.
From viral sensations to mysterious up-and-comers, 2018 has already produced an incredible crop of new artists that remind us why we listen to new music at all. Here are some of our favorites so far.
¿Qué sorpresas nos traerán los artistas latinos este año? Encuentra aquí los detalles de algunas producciones que ya prometen cosechar muchos éxitos en el 2018.
Stingray DJAZZ is a proud partner of jazzahead!. We are glad to share live-streaming content on Facebook and an interview platform “Jazz It Ahead” where we’ll help you get to know the jazzahead! artists better than ever.
Oh hey, Coachella. Times they are a-changin’ and music is constantly evolving. Get ready for the biggest names, the biggest productions, and tons of hidden gems. Keep reading for our top 10 must-see artists worthy of all the attention.
Rock Hall-bound rockers Bon Jovi have more than their share of big hits. Their songs are not especially difficult to sing, but the high notes in the choruses offer opportunities to flex them vocal muscles! here are our top 10 Bon Jovi tracks to belt out!
Here’s to all the badass ladies out there, yourself included. Turn up the volume, tag your sisters and have a day that will go down in HERstory. This 2018, the FEMpire strikes back.
En cette Journée internationale des femmes, nous tournons les projecteurs vers cinq artistes féminines québécoises qui ont forgé leur place sur la scène musicale locale et outre-mer.
This Valentine’s Day spread love and remember to love yourself. Because love is louder than everything else. In the meanwhile, here are a few tracks that’ll get you in a lovey-dovey mood.
Eagles or Patriots? Wentz or #BradyAllTheWay? Here are our top 10 tracks to get pumped for the game. We’ve got all the tracks that rocked hard and the halftime musts.