Come celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with Stingray! Stingray commemorates Hispanic Heritage across 4 platforms: Qello, Karaoke, Naturescape AND Classica!
Discover more about The Everly Brothers, the country-influenced rock and rock duo, by taking a look at their 1983 concert at the Royal Albert Hall in London.
Le Festival international de la chanson de Granby (FICG) est un partenaire de longue date du programme Prix Étoiles Stingray. Il s’agit du plus important concours de chanson francophone en Amérique. La mission du festival est de découvrir, de développer et de promouvoir la relève de la chanson francophone d’ici et d’ailleurs.
Picture summer, and certain things instantly spring to mind: a beach or pool, someone attractive in sunglasses, or maybe a cocktail with a tiny paper umbrella.