Merry Christmas Down Memory Lane

Feeling sentimental yet?
It’s that time of year!
And when it comes to Holiday nostalgia, everyone has their own triggers.
For children of the ‘60s, it may be the melancholy sounds of “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” ‘80s’ kids tend to really feel “Last Christmas,” by Wham! or Band Aid urging us to feed the world.
Chances are there’s a certain era that just feels like Christmas to you, even if it was long before you were born. That’s the beauty of music; it can reach across the decades to claim you.
So, if you want to travel back to your childhood, relive a Holiday crush, or just imagine yourself on a retro sleigh ride with Mariah Carey or the Ronettes, try choosing Christmas music by era. Our curators have been as busy as elves picking each period-perfect tune.
Christmas Music Through Time
Here are some suggestions to help you find your Holiday happy place: